About Me
After graduating from the Faculty of Organisational Sciences in 1999, Darko began gathering formal work experience at the Ministry of Economic Relations and Development. He was part of the team that established the State Aid Monitoring System in Slovenia, which in 2002 came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance.
Looking for new challenges, in 2005 he joined the Directorate of Tourism at the Ministry of Economy, where he was involved in the preparation of development policies and measures and procedures related to the use of cohesion funds.
In 2019, he joined a group of colleagues at the ministry, which strives to use the development potential of wood on the way to a carbon-neutral society. He was the Head of the Sector for Development Incentives in Wood Industry, and since 2022 he has been Director General of the Wood Industry Directorate.
Darko is part of the team that co-leads the TWG Education and Vocational Training.